UI Frameworks

25 Feb 2021

UI Frameworks

<div class=”UI Framworks Essay">

Learning HTML and CSS has been quite enjoyable for the most part. I have had no experience with CSS very little experience with HTML through using the old social media website MySpace. Now that I have learned the basics of the two really puts into perspective what can be done but more importantly how much more I have to learn. I believe the start of my learning is with the use of Semantic UI. After using Semantic UI for about a week, I can say that looking at other websites builds has me thinking and understanding how to format areas of websites. Knowing that I am able to mimic a website's build in a fair amount of time is very inspiring being that I had no knowledge of these concepts just a few weeks ago.

Learning about Semantic UI was very interesting and exciting in the sense that I would be able to use what I'm learning to build webpages very easily. For the most part this is true but through actually using Semantic UI showed me that things aren’t always as easy as they seem. The issues I found and struggled with were mostly syntactical errors and not completely understanding what a div is, where a div goes, what div should do what, ect. Through actually practicing with Semantic UI and building a revamped portfolio website in my spare time, I found that practise makes perfect in my case. I wouldn’t say I’m a professional at this now but if you give me a problem and some time, I will figure it out one way or another.

Semantic UI for me is just the beginning. In reference to web development and my journey in learning. I am excited to reach out into learning React, a very popular framework that I knew its name before I even knew how to code. I feel that after experiencing React I will be well developed enough to pursue a career in the field of web development. I’m also interested in learning the differences between frameworks and would like to dive deeper into learning Angular as well.
